How can we make Drymen even better?
Someone suggested that this new website should have a suggestion page, which is a very good idea. So here it is, a page where you can submit ideas to improve the village to Drymen Community Development Trust. It might be that they’re not the correct organisation for that suggestion; if not, don’t worry it will be passed on to the relevant agency or organisation.
DCDT promises to review the list at each monthly meeting. Periodically they organise surveys to see how widely supported the suggestions are. Feel free to make a suggestion using the form below. Where you can help or have some expertise to offer, that would be greatly appreciated. We will update this page with both suggestions and results achieved.
Suggestions Received (with updates/responses added)
Paint the benches
Rob Roy footsteps in concrete on the Square
Rob Roy Way statue or artwork (new mural in bus shelter added)
Pavement and dropped kerb crossing point at front of Square (Stirling Council have agreed to this and are working on designs)
Discover Drymen T-Shirts and other souvenir items
Replace Larch Lap roofing tiles on bus shelter (Grant funding secured for new roof, including solar panels etc.)
Mono block rather than tar path across Square
Install bike racks in the village (new bike racks installed in the summer)
Carry out repairs to stonework around War Memorial
Install a map naming hills and points of interest
Review all signage in Square, removing redundant items (that has been done)
Make a Suggestion
Please let us know if you would like to volunteer to help keep this website updated. Click here to contact us.