Drymen Church
The Church
We are an active community of people gathered from Drymen, Buchanan, Balmaha, Killearn, Balfron, Gartmore and Aberfoyle. We have weekly Sunday services at 10 am in Buchanan Church, and 11.30 am in Drymen Church, where there are also separate groups for children and teens and a creche for those with very young children. All the Drymen services are recorded, and you can access them through the church webpage and YouTube channel.
Our church is going through a season of change due to all the past year's restrictions and with our minister Alex Macpherson retiring in June. However, we will continue to meet and share our passion to know and serve God and look forward to what the future may hold.
Photos: Rebecca Flemming
Church Groups
We have several different small groups who meet weekly to share discussion over coffee and work out what it means to love mercy, act justly and walk humbly with our God each day through prayer and Bible reading. We encourage people to join a small group that helps them get to know people better and join a team to help keep things running.
Get Involved
Our congregation has many different gifts, talents, and ministries. You might want to help with the technical
Audio/Video team or serve coffee or help with the children; there is a place for everyone to get involved.
Church Events
We are looking forward to getting back to more normal times when we will be able to run coffee mornings, lunches, fundraising events and generally meet together more easily.
Holiday Club
The summer holidays offer a change in routine. We often run a summer programme for various ages through our' Holiday at Home' for older people in the community and 'Holiday Club' for school-age children. Check out our webpage for more information.